Messor Network Protocol
class toServer Sending requests to the Messor server
__construct(string server): void
status(): Response
Getting peer status
sync(): Response
Synchronization of attacks with the server
echoReq(string message): Response
Sending an echo message to the server
register(): Response
Registering a peer on a server
verify(string data): Response
Peer verification on the server
editData(string key, string value): Response
Changing peer information on the server
info(): Response
Getting information about a peer
peerOptions(): void
upgrade(): Response
Peer client update
passwordReset(): Response
Resetting a peer's password
getServerList(): Response
Getting a server list
getPeerList(string database): Response
Getting a peer list
getDatabase(string database): Response
Getting a database of ip addresses
ping(): Response
Sending a ping to the server
auth(): Response
Authorization on the server
peerSignVersion(): Response
Obtaining the current version of signatures for Malware Cleaner
peerSignVersionUpgrade(): Response
Update to the latest Malware Cleaner signatures
peerChangeKey(): Response
Смена ключа пира, используется при межпировом взаимодействии