Messor Install Documentation

Table of contents


Cloning a repository

Switch to your web directory be entering the command:

cd /Tour web directory

Clone messor from the official repository: while using the following syntax:

git clone

Follow the link in your browser http://ваш_сайт/messor or https://ваш_сайт/messor if you use SSL certificate in order to install Messor

Download archive

Download the archive from by link

Switch to the web directory, containing the downloaded archive and unzip it while using the command in the terminal:


Rename the app directory to messor:

mv ./messor-master ./messor

Move your app directory to your web one while using the file manager or command in the terminal:

mv ./messor /Your web directory

Follow the link in your browser http://ваш_сайт/messor or https://ваш_сайт/messor if you use SSL certificate in order to install Messor


Step 1: Language selection

Select the installer interface language.

Rename the messor folder by entering a new name in the box below.


Step 2: License agreement

Look through the license agreement. Click on "Accept agreement" to continue the installation


Sytep 3: Presets

PHP version >= 5.3 . Verify whether the option is enabled allow_url_fopen, if not, enable it by adding or by editing a line in the file php.ini

allow_url_fopen = On

PHP versiya

In order to use more secure encryption systems, OpenSSL must be enabled, preferably it's recommended to have cURL installed if you failed to previously install it, be sure to do it according to the manual to your distribution and add or uncomment the line:

OpenSSl and Curl

Make sure that all files have got a written permit, since they are important for correct messor operation, if for some files such rights are not enough, make sure that all the current files have the same owner as the web server (apache, nginx) is started from and then add the rights with the command in the terminal: sudo chmod 755

prava na faily

Available servers list messor operates with


Messor rules entry verification for .htaccess, if the entry fails, change the file permits in the terminal: sudo chmod 755

zapis pravil htaccess

Files and folders list, which may be attacked, if possible, rename files or directories by non-standard ones, for example, the path to the admin panel

faily i papki pod atakoj

Add a cron task to update the database to the current version by typing a command in the terminal: sudo crontab -e and add a line:

0 0 * * * /[path to the directory where your site is available]/messor/client.php
If you use ISPmanager panel to install cron, use the official documentation Cron ISPmanager instruction, availble on the official website or other manual Cron ISPmanager manual

cron dlya messor

Step 4: Registration on the server

Fields marked (*) are required

In the information section, enter your name (Latin characters and numbers are acceptable), your company's name and its field of activity, enter your email address and phone number (the number should consist of numbers without + sign), specify your country, time zone and language


Select the server which the registration will take place through (may be left unchanged) in the settings. Leave the Url field unchanged - this is the path to the main peer file. The encryption algorithm field provides a choice of 4 algorithms: RC4, AES-128, AES-256, BlowFish. RC4 algorithm is weak and is not recommended to be used. There is AES-128 by default, which is a fairly powerful algorithm, having a high speed..


Create your login and password in the administrator access section, in the login and password fields - they will be required for authorization in the admin panel messor. Enter arbitrary lines in the random data field - this will help generate a more reliable encryption key.

Dostup administratora

Click on the start installation button to send data to the server and register you as a peer

Step 5: Installation/h3>

Correct messor operatiob requires you to add the lines peviously received to the entry point to your website - this is the first file processed by the web server when a user logs in to the website, it is usually called index.php and it’s called such a way in most CMS and frameworks.

dobavit v index.php

This is your data to login to messor CMS - save them in a safe place.

dannye dlya vhoda

The current data are the same, which are stored in the file. config.php. These are your account's data.Therefore be sure to save them in a safe place, or you may save the file as well config.php on external media or the cloud, which will protect you from loss or accidental data removal

dannye config.php

Attack prevention verification while using a file .htaccess. "On" status means that messor data for .htaccess have been entered correctly and it successfully prevents attacks on the server

attack .htaccess

Your messor app operation testing as a peer

proverka peer

Your peer status raising section .

Verification types:

Verification works the following way: the more verifications you have (phone, email), the more confidence your peer gets

Click on "Confirm" button in order to confirm the phone number via SMS message and an SMS message, containing the code, will be sent to your phone number. You should enter it in the code entering field

verify sms

To confirm the number by a call, after clicking on the "Confirm" button, you will get a call from the manager to confirm

verify phone call

Click on "Confirm" button in orser to confirm the email address, an email will be sent to the address provided, enter the code from the email into the field for code entering

verify email

Click on "Confirm" button, you will get a code, which you will add to your DNS hoster, create a record TXT and add the code you've previously added. Then click on "Confirm" again, the statute should change to confirmed

verify DNS

To confirm while using the documents, you need to send xeroxed documents to

verify Docs

Add safe IP addresses, each address should be on a new line as it is shown below in the example

Dobavit belyi ip

Add black IP addresses

Dobavit chernyj ip

Complete installation